Community Involvement - From Cromwell Cemetery Association
Presented by American Legion Greater Gig Harbor Post 236
Cromwell Cemetery 2500 62ndAve NW Gig Harbor, WA.
To purchase a wreath(s) under the red 'SPONSOR WREATHS' button, click 'Sponsor a Specific Cemetery', and enter WACROM in the 'Select Location to Support' box, and make your purchase.
The Scouts of Troop 217 will place flags at the graves of all Veterans in the new flag holders, made possible by Alex Robertson and his Eagle Scout Project.
Cub Scouts from Gig Harbor's Pack 202 recently did some cleanup work on grave markers and set out flags in honor of Veterans on Veterans Day.
The Cemetery hosts an annual work party to weed, clean the stones and mow the cemetery the Saturday prior to Memorial Day weekend. The work party is followed by a potluck lunch and annual meeting. It is a slice of Americana that is very special. Everyone is welcome!
The Scouts of Troop 217 have been coming to the cemetery for many years to pay tribute to the Veterans who have served out country. They placed a flag at each of the Veteran’s grave. This became somewhat of a scavenger hunt as the veterans were marked on a map, but not physically at the site.
Alex Robertson took this on as his Eagle Scout Project which was completed in September 2023. Now, each Veteran has a medallion at the headstone. He researched companies that had generic medallions for Veterans of all branches of the military.
They had to be durable in the weather and be able to withstand a few whacks of a weed eater. Each medallion has a holder to place a flag. Alex helped secure the funds to purchase 80 medallions. The neighbor’s cat came to supervise the installation!
Thank you, Alex, for your dedication to this projec... Read More
Edward Peterson, an Eagle Scout from Gig Harbor's Troop 217, installed a flagpole at the cemetery as his Eagle Scout Project.
On Saturday, March 20, Edward Peterson, with the help of family and fellow Scouts from Troop 217, installed the new 25’ flagpole for the cemetery. This was Edward’s Eagle Scout Project that had been in the planning stages for several months.
We are so grateful to have had this opportunity to work with this fine young man! Edward and his troop have been coming to the cemetery to honor Veterans on Veterans Day for the past 6 years.
Edward was instrumental in the fundraising, the planning, and the installation. It will beautify the grounds for future generations.
Way to go Edward!
Paul Bechtloff, an Eagle Scout from Troop 217 installed a permanent informational sign March 2023 at the south gate. This sign documents the history of the cemetery and its connection to the Cromwell community. The Cromwell loop is popular with walkers and many stop to read the sign.
Luke spearheaded raising the funds needed, researching the appropriate application and oversaw the installation.
Thank you, Luke and fellow Scouts! This is a wonderful addition to the cemetery and community.