Hales Passage Scandinavian Lutheran Cemetery Association
Annual Meeting Minutes- May 18, 2024
Sears Farm across from the Cemetery.

The predicted rains held off until the afternoon. Over 50 supporters helped with the clean up and 30+ stayed for the potluck lunch.

Call to Order
After the lunch, the meeting was called to order at 12:45
Read Minutes to Previous Meeting
Laurie read the minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting. They were approved as read.

Treasurer's Report & Plots Sales
2023 Expenses & Gains - Donna
Water $230.59
Website 436.88
Stamps/Printing 612.97
WA State filing Fee 10.00
Pierce County Tax 9.65
Veterans Medals 1500.00
Solar Light for Flag 277.97
Lunch 154.00
Timer for Water 92.47
Fidelity 7000.00
Interment Fees $150.00 (3)
Plots Sold 1800.00 (6)
Donations 2015.00 ($1400.00 for medallions) ($615.00 for general)
Checking Balance $11,939.37

Donna also read some of the heartfelt notes that were sent in with donations. The folks who were not able to attend are so appreciative of the work that is being done in their absence.

Fidelity Report - Ben
Ben reported that Fidelity account continues to do very well. The current balance is $93,834.46. This account was started 4 years ago when we liquidated a CD that was barely making cents on the dollar! This account has continued to climb! Thanks Ben!

Acknowledging those who passed away during the year.
Jewell Lee Holsinger 6/24/1928 4/18/1923
Kenneth C Brown 12/21/1934 6/5/2023
Ira Peter Dominowski 8/27/1953 5/24/2023
Sylvia Ann Hagen 6/30/1940 2/5/2024
Allen Twidt 10/23/1934 12/11/2023
Sonja Miller 6/29/1938 7/21/2023
Virginia Searls 9/13/1930 2/21/2012
Foster Searls 7/14/1927 7/6/2002
Jere Mitchell 7/25-1935 6/28/2021

Community Involvement
We are grateful for the involvement with Scout Troop 217 for their continued leadership in honoring the Veterans in the Cemetery with several events.

November 11 - The installation of 130 permanent veterans' markers by Alex Roberts as completion of his Eagle Scout Project.
November 11 - Flag placing honoring Veterans on Veterans Day by members of Scout Troop 217
December 17 - Wreath Across America sponsored by American Legion

Old Business
Work continues to identify LOT hubs. Thank you to James for repairing the 3 broken stones. Thanks to John for installing the new solar light which works great and also for repairing several faulty faucets.

New Business
Policy Revisions
The Board modified Policy # 6 from an unspecified number of burials in a plot to 6 and to #10 that all permanent changes to the cemetery must be approved by the Board prior to installation.

Only one casket is allowed per plot. Six cremations are allowed per plot. The Secretary must be notified of any additions or changes to the records.

Any of these permanent structures must be approved by the Board prior to installation. Upkeep is the responsibility of the family.

Checking Account
At the April 3rd, 2024, Board meeting a motion was made and seconded to add Laurie Dahl Isacson and John Gagnon to the checking account. The current signers are Ben Pearson and Donna Doherty.

Election of Officers and Board of Directors
After 30 + years of serving the cemetery, Ben Pearsons is retiring as President. He was thanked and given a hanging basket for his many years of service. Ben was instrumental plotting the 'North Area' and the 'East area By the Road' for current and future use. He also initiated the Fidelity Investment fund which has given us a solid financial position. We are grateful for all his work.

Election of President
The group was asked if any nominations to take on the role as president. Krista Pearson made a motion to nominate John Gagnon as President. John said he would agree to being president. A second was made by Doug Holsinger. The motion was put to a vote and passed unanimously.
John has parents in the Cemetery and has been active as a trustee since 2018.

Election of Board Member
The group was asked if there were any nominations to serve as a Trustee. John made a motion to nominate Krista Pearson as Trustee. Krista accepted the nomination. A second to the motion was made by Doug Holsinger. The motion was put to a vote and passed unanimously.
Krista has ties to the cemetery that go back to the very beginning years as a descendent of the Ahlberg and Pearson families.

Other none

Thanks to the Sears family for their hospitality and use of the garage for the potluck/ meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:08
Respectfully Submitted,
Laurie Dahl Isacson, Secretary

2024 Officers
President - John Gagnon
Vice President - Caryn Sears
Secretary - Laurie Dahl Isacson
Treasurer - Donna Doherty
Trustees - Krista Pearson, James Doherty, Doug Holsinger
Honorary Trustees - Joyce Sears, Ben Pearson

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